

Electa Live Virtual Classroom, LMS - Help & Support Portal

Electa Live for Windows

Virtual Classroom Plug-ins

This is the Electa Live Virtual Classroom application for Windows. The app is needed for both students and teachers who want to attend or host live classes. It is also needed to playback recorded classes.

Setup file for trainers and students

The below link is suitable for most users (both students and teachers). It does not require computer admin credentials.

Download Electa Live 8.2 (for Windows 10 / 11 users)

Download Electa Live 8.0 (for older Windows versions)


After downloading the application, please run it on the computer to set it up. Once the set up is completed you can visit our testing classroom to make sure everything is set up.

Students and attendees: Please note this app is just a prerequisite to attend live classes. After installing the application please go back to your web browser and follow the links to attend your live class.


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Last Modified: 3 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Administrator
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