

Electa Live Virtual Classroom, LMS - Help & Support Portal

How do I configure the access permissions to my live events?

Live Session and Class Schedule

This topic describes different access options when scheduling live sessions and online meetings. For setting access permissions on courses and their resources please check Course Access Options - Explained.

To create a new live session in your calendar click the "Class Schedule" menu link. Then click the "New Event" button. Fill in the required fields and click Next to move to the attendance permissions page.

When setting up an event you can specify the access restrictions using the “Permissions” drop down list that is located on the second step of the scheduling process. The supported access options are as follows:

(A) Anyone may attend. I will send a link – this means the event will be accessible for anyone who has the link. The system will not require any username/password or registration. Events of type (A) provide no protection in terms of access. Users can share links and attend such events. Such events are suitable if you do not put focus on the access security.

(B) Available for all users registered under my company account – This is a little bit more restricted that option (A). Events of type (B) will be accessible for everyone listed in your user database. That is – all your users with usernames/password. Events of type B can be used as school-wide meetings. The system will ask for username/password and will let anyone who has a user account with your company.

(C) Only users that I choose from my database – This option adds more restrictions. Events of type (C) are accessible only to selected attendees. You select the people who are allowed to attend. You choose them from your database. The system will ask for username/password and will let only those you have selected in advance. You can add more people by modifying the event (something like late registrations but managed but managed manually).

(D) My attendees have to fill in a registration form – This event is open for everyone who registers for it. Events of type (D) will take the user to a page to create a profile (that is – become a member of your user database). It will then add the newly registered user to the people who have access to the event. People who already have profiles will be asked for username/password and added to the allowed attendees. To attend an event of type (D) the attendees will be asked to provide their username/password before they can enter.

For events of this type you can specify the registration time frame (or registration deadline). Optionally you can make the registration goes through a payment page (if you do not use your own payment option).
For events of this type you can monitor the process of self-registration from the [Show Registered Users] link that appears on the event details page after you click the title in the calendar.

(E) I will choose some of the attendees. The others will self register. This option is a combination of (C) and (D). This means you can select some of the allowed attendees from your existing users and still enable self-registration for new ones.

Some of the above options access options are not be available in all Electa Live plans. Please check what options are supported in your configuration.



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