Call: <API_URL>/VCR/DisconnectUser/
Supported HTML Methods: GET
Communications Level: Server-to-Server
Result: XML
CID - Integer, Required, Account Id, Sample: 12345
Token - String, Required, Sample: 9C467079-FE3B-45C5-8AA5-9726397081AA
A valid session token obtain from a previous call to the Authentication namespace for the above Account Id.
RoomId - Integer, Required. The number of the classroom in which the user is in.
UserId - Integer, Required. The number identifier of the user to remove.
Reason - String, Optional. Optionally display a reason to the user upon removal. Sample: Session is over.
Sample Call
Upon execution the call will return a result code which is 0 if successful or non-zero if a failure occurs.
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