

Electa Live Virtual Classroom, LMS - Help & Support Portal

Quiz Statistics

Assignments, Homework & Quizzes

What are quiz statistics?

Quiz statistics are information provided to you about the students’ activity on the quiz. they show participation rate, minimum points achieved, maximum points achieved and accuracy rate for each question.

Participation rate - shows how many of the users have provided an answer for the specific question

Minimum points achieved - provides you with the minimum amount of points a user has achieved on the individual question.

Maximum points achieved - provides you with the maximum amount of points a user has achieved on the individual question.

Accuracy rate - gives you an overall achievement rate of how many points the students have achieved all together in comparison to what the overall rate could have been out of 100. For example if a question is worth 5 marks and 3 students have completed the question with full marks, the accuracy rate would be 15/15 (100%).


How to view quiz statistics

Once you have opened your assignments, homework and quizzes area, you can either click onto the red settings button next to the quiz > view stats

or you can click onto the quiz itself and from there scroll down to find the “view stats” button.


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Last Modified: 3 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Administrator
Rated 2 stars based on 17 votes.
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